Tuesday 18 December 2018

Happy Brexmas!

When you’re queuing up for sprouts
and find your flour’s very low,
there’ll be little time for doubts
though you won’t be making dough. 

                   refrain        So have a very Happy Brexmas!
                                    We’ll all be getting thinner by the day
                                    for the Xmas pud won’t last
                                    until the vote is passed 
                                    and we’ve sent the EU on its merry way.

As you dine on roasted rat
if you’ve money for the meter
and the roof’s not fallen flat,
you’ll decide that life’s got sweeter.

                   refrain     So have a very Happy Brexmas! etc.

While the NHS will wither
and your schooling shrivel more,
stand your ground. Don’t dither
as you shiver with the poor.

                    refrain     So have a very Happy Brexmas! etc.

When finances flee abroad
while our industries decline
you’ll not see government as flawed
though you’ve reached the bottom line.

                   refrain     So have a very Happy Brexmas! etc.

You’ve been toughened by the Tories,
waving the flag as your prize.
The flag was part of their stories,
now proven full of lies.

                   refrain        So have a very Happy Brexmas
                                    while most of us get thinner by the day.
                                    The rest of us won’t last
                                    until the vote is past,
                                    but we’ll send the EU on its merry way.

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