Tuesday 25 September 2018

Writing the Stuff

When your villanelle is vile
and the sonnet is a sod
and the bob-and-wheel’s turned bloody,
you can only groan, “Oh, God!”

When the doggerel’s been damned
and your ode is very odd
and bucolics have been blasted,
you can but cry, “Oh, God!”

When you feel your ballade’s buggered
and the nightsong’s on the nod
and the sestina’s a son-of-a-bitch,
you’re pushed to spit out, “God!”

If the rondeau has been rogered
and you’ve couplets like wet cod,
chuck your pen and snarl,
“It’s all your fault, O, God.”

We're not to blame, not ever,
when spades of poems plod,
so sort Yourself, inspire us,
there’s mercy needed...