Friday, 20 March 2020

Evening’s Arrival

He’d dug all morning up by the hive,
stood stooped with ache, in time
to watch bees rob rose-heads.

Evening drones through the green
where his head nods, drops,
beating time with the bee and the rose
and the uniform day dulling to dusk.

Under the weight of the last fumbler,
shed petals, limp over making time,
desert their show when seed
withdraws intact to the hip.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

The Last of It


Response to "Wildflower Meadow, Medawisla" by Stephanie Burt

Oh, God - d,
despair darkly
when none of

them needs more
than pomes
rotting aground
before the last
trump hockets
and all seeds leave.

The original poem is here.