"Hark!" the herald angels trill,
"This Jesus stuff gives us a thrill."
"Hark!" unruly angels call,
"We've settled on a Second Fall."
"Hark!" archangels start to yell,
"We've lots of dogmas here to sell."
"Hark!" more dissident angels squeak,
"Orthodoxy's up the creek."
"Hark!" His loyal angels shout,
"Jehovah one; Dionysus nowt."
"Hark!" some unionized angels croon,
"A new religion's coming soon."
"Hark!" god-fearing angels gloat,
"Believe Him, or we'll cut your throat."
"Hark!" more rebel angels blurt,
"We’ve set up idols in a yurt."
"Hark!" a cunning angel clacks,
"Shove itching powder down their backs."
"Hark!" the itchy angels squawk,
"What eejit's taken us for a walk?"
"Hark!" triumphant angels hoot,
"One more word and you're down the chute."
"Oy!" mouthed God with a baleful hiss,
"It's time I put a stop to this,"
stretched out His Hand and gave a tug,
"That's all creation down the plug."